CamBam – Convert Font to DXF — Cambam , Cnc , Dxf — Blogger Blog by Switcher


CamBam – Convert Font to DXF

"CamBam [Beta 0.8] Rel 2"

1) Open CamBam (this will start a new project)

2) "Insert / Text" (this will do 2 things, first it will add text to the drawing area/window by default the text is "Hello World!", second it will add info to the "Properties Pane" (bottom Left side of the CamBam program), you can drag the "Properties Pane" to make it easier to see all the info (Font, Text, etc...)) cambam FONT

3) Make sure the "Text Icon" is selected in the upper Left side of the "Properties Pane Tree" (it should be selected already, when we selected to add text to the project)

4) In the "Properties Pane", scroll down and click on the word "Text", this will show a small box to the far left of that line in the text "Properties Pane", a small window will open, enter the text you want (example text = Howdy), then click "OK" to close the small text window, this should change the text in the main drawing area/window (example text = Howdy)

5) In the "Properties Pane", scroll down and click on the word "Font", this will show a small arrow pointing down, press the small arrow, & select a font that you want to use in your project (the small arrow, should show all the fonts installed on your specific PC)

6) "Edit / Select All" (this should select all of the text, in the drawing area/window)

7) "Edit / Polylines / Convert to Polylines"

8) "File ' Export DXF" (a "Save As" windows prompt will open, select the location on your PC that you want the new DXF file to be saved to (desktop, etc...)) Press the "Save" button


To convert a font to a single line font/dxf, just skip the "Polyline" part above.

Download DXF

dxf file


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